Recommend Our High-Demand eCommerce Solution and Earn Well-Paid Commissions
The redtienda associate program is free to join and you can instantly generate an ongoing stream of income without any cost or obligation on your part.
Here is how it works. When you have joined, you get all the necessary information by email and a "special link" that goes to the redtienda Home page. This special link is unique and related ONLY to you. Your job is to recommend redtienda and make people click on your special link so they come to the redtienda Home page, from there we do the job. You probably already know of companies who are planning to open an online store. That is a great start! You will be able to see in real-time how many people have clicked on your special link, how many have signed up for the free version (REDTIENDA LIGHT), and how many of these upgrade to the paid version (REDTIENDA GOLD).
There are two primary ways you can earn money:
$1 USD for each open/real REDTIENDA LIGHT
What is an "open store"? When a new referral of yours have started with redtienda, they need to make some basic creation (insert a logo, add products, remove temporal texts, etc.) in order to open their store to the public. Once they have done this, you earn $1 USD. So you earn $1 USD every time your referrals open their stores.
Note: Of course, the referred open stores have to be real existing businesses and not multi-signups by you or someone else in order to qualify for earning commissions.
$50 USD for each upgrade to REDTIENDA GOLD
Every time somebody upgrades to REDTIENDA GOLD we charge a $97 USD one-time setup fee, and you get $50 USD of that (over 50%!). Again, you earn $50 USD EVERY time a referral of yours upgrade to REDTIENDA GOLD!
You can promote redtienda on your Web site, through emails to your friends, contacts, and everybody else you know. Also publish tips in forums and other places on the Internet or offline (newspapers, radio, advertisement, etc.). The more you promote redtienda, the more visitors you will get. And the more visitors you get, the more companies will start with redtienda. And the more referrals you have, the more open stores (REDTIENDA LIGHT) and upgrades (REDTIENDA GOLD) there will be and the more commissions you will earn. But quantity is not everything, you also need to make sure about the QUALITY of the people who sees and click on your special link. You want to target small- and mid-sized businesses that might be interested in selling their products on the Internet! That's very important.

Web Site Owners
Promote redtienda on your Web site, simply insert a banner with your special link. Join now.
Internet Entrepreneurs
Promote redtienda to your friends, contacts, through emails, forums, and any other way you can imagine. Join now.
Web Designers
Use redtienda to design online stores for your customers, and earn commissions. Join now.
Internet Service Providers
Offer redtienda as a value-added service, we handle all the customer relations. Join now.
The best part is that you can have sub-associates. You simply help others to sign up as redtienda associates as well and then you will earn $25 USD EVERY time a referral of theirs upgrade to REDTIENDA GOLD, without you doing anything. There is no limit in the amount of sub-associates you can have. Now can you see why our associate program is so powerful?
Again, your ONLY job is to make sure that many of the "right people" click on you special link.
The visitors of RedTienda have the opportunity to participate in one of the most potential affiliate programs on the net, taking benefit from this by earning important additional incomes.
As with any program involving money, certain restrictions apply. We prefer that you have a Web site, since it will facilitate for you to get higher volume of referrals, but it is no requirement for joining. To get started now, first read and accept our Operating Agreement. and then fill out your information on the Application Form.
Here are just a few reasons to join:
- Participation is for FREE!
- There are no obligations on your part
- You earn $1 USD every time any of your REDTIENDA LIGHT referrals opens to the public
- You earn $50 USD every time any of your referrals upgrades to REDTIENDA GOLD
- You earn $25 USD every time any of your sub-associate's referrals upgrades to REDTIENDA GOLD
- Add value to your business and Web site. If you have an Internet related business, redtienda will be an excellent value-added service. If you have a Web site, it becomes even more attractive and helpful to visitors
- We take care of everything – sign ups of new users, installations, invoicing, and providing any customer service necessary to the new redtienda users
- Be up and running TODAY – after you join, you will instantly receive our "Welcome package" email with simple instructions on how to get started within minutes
- You have 24 hour access to the associate administration site where you track visitors, referrals, and upgrades in real-time + get access to rich material and helpful tips
- If someone visits our Home page through your special link and does not start the same day but re-visits anytime within 3 months you still get that referral
- Sign up sub-associates to multiply your income (one level under you, there is no limit on how many sub-associates you can have)
- You receive automatic email notifications EVERY time someone gets redtienda through you, when a referral store opens to the public, when a referral upgrades to REDTIENDA GOLD, when you get sub-associates, when they get referrals, and when a referral of theirs upgrade to REDTIENDA GOLD
- We pay commissions quarterly by PayPal (minimum amount $50 USD)
Don't waste any more time. Join now to start generating a substantial extra revenue. As mentioned before, there is no cost or obligation on your part!
I thank you Erik Olsson for presenting me RedTienda, which not only benefit companies who contract your services to increase their sales, also you pay us for recommend it to these fellow entrepreneurs ALL OVER THE WORLD. I recommend all of you who consider yourselves as good sellers who will not miss a job opportunity to AFFILATE YOURSELF ABSOLUTELY FOR FREE
Lázaro Sergio Kowiensky, CulturArtEspectáculos